Available now - Map your happiness journal

Map Your Happiness


Set sail toward your dreams, manifest your best self, and discover daily inspiration on your journey to bliss.

A Simple Map to unlock your inner wisdom, renew your sense of direction, and improve your overall well-being and happiness.

Have you ever heard a voice inside your heart incessantly whispering tales about adventures under a clearer, bluer sky? I have. That voice followed me around for the best part of my life until I finally started listening. And that’s how the Map Your Happiness Journal came to be.

Happiness is highly subjective. Only you know what makes you truly blissful. However, the contents of this journal are backed with scientific research on happiness and the impact of journaling and daily habits on one’s own path. So if you are in the mood to transform your life for the better—be it in your career, personal relationships, or overall mental health—you are in the right place.

The inspiration for creating this unique product stemmed from my personal journey, both in the literal and metaphysical sense of the word. When I decided to take control of my own happiness, changing my career path was only a matter of time. I could feel my soul yearning for travel and remote places so I packed my suitcase with hope and a few pairs of knickers, and off I went. From Costa Rica to California, Peru, Bali, and Nepal—my physical journey felt unconstrained and liberating. Yet, I still needed to free myself internally.

I have had my share of challenges in life. I suffered loss and I know grief, so I embraced a daring adventure to mend my wounds and take control of my own happiness. In their book Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier, Oprah Winfrey and Andrew Brooks call people like me ‘lemonade makers’. You know, when life gives you lemons. And boy, did I squeeze them.

During that truly transformative period, journaling helped me heal, focus, and act according to my heart’s desire. Yet, while traditional journals provided the space for me to reflect and express my thoughts and emotions, they lacked the guidance that I needed. Without a clear structure or set of prompts, I found myself stuck and unable to dig deeper to drawsensible conclusions from my experiences. So I started searching for answers far and wide.

I spent hours reading best-selling self-help books and listening to podcasts and interviews with experts in the field of self-development. On my travels, I also met spiritual healers and all sorts of interesting people from all corners of the world. I felt I was becoming both book-smart and street-smart, and it was time for me to consolidate all those teachings into an instruction manual for other adventurous souls who wanted to become more evolved.

 The Map Your Happiness Journal is a tool that I wish I had when I felt a bit lost at sea.

While reflection is an important aspect of personal growth, true self-discovery requires a combination of self-awarenessand actionable steps. This is why the Map Your Happiness Journal is a navigation system that will help you find your True North but will also show you how to get there. Packed with scientific research, writing prompts for strategic thinking, creativity exercises, self-love rituals, and more, this journal will keep you motivated and empowered throughout the entirety of your journey.

Moreover, to make this serious soul-searching enjoyable, the journal has been designed as a sea voyage. Each chapter takes your ship closer to your preferred blissful destination.

Here is a glimpse into what you might expect:

Phase One: Assessment

Here, you will assess where you are in life and start determining where you would like to be. You will let go of what is holding you back in order to set the right intention for your journey. Additionally, you will learn how to let your intuition talk to you so you can hear it.

Phase Two: Dreaming and Planning

This is where you will let yourself embrace a bit of self-love in order to overcome self-doubt. You will also course correctby mapping out your long-term vision and setting the right goals.


Note: words co-written with the help of Kinga Lewandowska.

Phase Three: Action

Here, you will find a 90-day guided journaling space focused on gratitude, introspection, and progress tracking. Additional prompts will spark your creativity, take you out for a walk (yes, you read that right), and guide you through a yoga sequence. Then, on the final pages, you will gather your takeaways, evaluate your progress, and celebrate your achievements.

This journal is more of an invitation than a prescription, but it is a daily commitment. Every morning and evening, set aside a few minutes to follow the prompts and exercises on the page in front of you. This is your retreat with yourself. 

Here are a few tips on how to maximize your chances of sticking to your journaling practice:

  • Keep your journal at hand at all times, for, example, on your bedside table.

  • Journal every day after you wake up and before you go to sleep. Make it a daily habit.

  • Seek encouragement from friends and family. Ask them to keep you accountable. Or better yet, invite them to join you the more the merrier.

  • Share your progress with your community. If several people decide to embrace this journaling practice with you, create a club and hold weekly or monthly meetings to discuss your experience and share insights.

  • Remember that this is supposed to make you happy, hence there is a “no pressure” rule in place. It’s OK to skip a day, simply go back to your practice at your earliest convenience.

  • Enjoy the journey and keep your mind and heart open the whole time.

Be patient with yourself, this journal is for your eyes only, it's a safe space to explore your inner world without judgment. True happiness and growth are possible to achieve with consistent effort. Embrace the process and trust in the person you are becoming.

I hope the inspiration and actionable steps in this journal will help you build the life you’ve always wanted to live. Venture into adventure with me, you’ve got nothing to lose and your happiness to gain. Are you ready?

Safe travels,


MindJamila FakiriNew