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Happiness is not a matter of intensity, but of balance, order, and harmony.


I have a lot of passion for movement, it makes me feel alive, I love dancing, hiking, running, cycling, doing yoga and I love trying everything that picks my curiosity...

I have been recommended yoga after a running injury. Running can be tricky and you can get injured if you overdo it which it did happen to me. I slowly start practising yoga, and I do not think I got it right the first times I was doing it. I did like it, but I enjoyed more and more with time as got hooked the last few years as I start to realise the real benefits of it. When I moved to London, the yoga scene is great and the teachers in the city are one of the best I have practiced with. Then, I started learning more about yoga and enrolled to the teaching program to improve my practice and share my passion with other people.

Yoga - A True Love story

I choose Yoga as the movement I want to address on this space because of its healing power. Yoga encompasses the Mind and the Body and provides that slow, healthy, long term, and sustainable results. It can help one find healing, balance, inner peace, and enhance happiness and resilience. I was blown away with all the stories I have read about people that did heal physically and mentally thanks to the power of Yoga. One of my favourite books which I recommend in this blog is “On yoga, the architectural of peace’ Michael O’Neil’s. Michael is a famous photographer that worked with celebrities. After a severe car accident and long journey to recovery, he created a book and a documentary about his healing journey and the pictures he shares are spectacular.

Yoga & Mindfulness Resources in California & London
Jami & Dune Yoga Tips in New York

Rise and Shine flow

I want to share a flow I have developed with few of my classmates during my teacher training which we named "Rise and Shine flow." This flow expresses a new beginning, beginning of the spring, a new journey, a new day…

Into your mat...

Say good morning to the rising sun and start with the Mountain pose (Tadasana). Your feet are planted on the ground, heavy and strong like a rock, your body is tall, and your arms are lifted above your head to reach the sky. Now take a bow and touch the ground, exhale, and slowly walk your feet backward into a plank position. Your body is straight and strong (Chaturanga Dandasana). Slowly lower yourself into the floor to lie flat on your tummy, arms straight and shoulders back. Lift your hips into Danward facing dog and take 5 deep breaths. Now walk your feet forward to hands and move into a standing position. Bring feet together and arms down by your sides stand still like a Mountain. Repeat the sun salutations three times to warm up the body.

The Sun is now shining and is at its peak, we will move into Warrior asanas. There are three kind of worriers all strong and brave. Warrior 1, look ahead and step your feet wide apart. Bend your front leg and keep your back leg straight, toes turned out. Stretch your arms up and look up to the sky. Stay here for 5 deep breaths. Now open your arms and turn your hips to the side, your front leg is bent and your arms are wide apart (Worrier 2). Like a warrior stay strong and focus. Now lift your back leg and keep balance on your front leg (Warrior 3). Stay here for 5 deep breaths.

Time to end your yoga practice by a Savasana. Lie down on your back, let your body relax. Breathe deeply and slowly. Imagine you are floating in the sky and the sun is warming your body. Take few moments and finish by sitting your hands together in front of your heart. Take a moment to think about something that makes you happy and grateful. 

I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do. 

Love. Jami


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