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“if we want to change the world, we need to change our world”


The time is now

Because the world is a beautiful place.

Adventures is good for your soul.

It gives you that feeling that you lived many lives in one.

It gets you out of your comfort zone and open your perspective about the limitless possibilities the universe has for you.

You develop infinite love and compassion for humankind


It all started with that little girl dream...

My soul always knew since I was a little girl, I was saying to my nanny I will go and travel the world. I had no idea how and why, especially being a little girl from a traditional Moroccan family that’s not the kind of dream we expect a child say to you. It has manifested in 2020 when the lockdown happened, and I felt a big energy that was pushing me to go and explore. Yes, I was scared but I just did it because it felt right at that time. 2 years after being a nomad and it all made sense now why I did say that when I was 4 years old.

This space to share my experience as a Nomad and to inspire you get of your comfort zone, travel, and explore, and get comfortable with the unknown. When we are a child, we carry this open heart and seek the wonder, life happens and we lose that sparkle that once we had, how about we seek that spark again?  



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