Romance and February Picks🌹


A note to those who believe in love, but won’t put their life on hold for it!

Whether you are celebrating this time of the year with your other half or not, you deserve all the love in the world. Love is complicated but self-love is simple because it doesn’t require much, or anyone else than yourself.  Here are a few recommendations to enjoy your day of romance.

Watch ‘10 things I hate about you’!

We love it because it’s not your usual romantic movie that we feel stuck into (where the hero is falling in love with his promise on that first scene). 10 things I hate about you feels more relatable. Romance is only reciprocated once a little trust has been gained. And what’s more intriguing and romantic than not liking each other until the end of the movie?

Listen To ‘Flowers’ 🌹

There’s something powerful about whispering the lyrics of Flowers, by Miley Cyrus. I had this song on repeat when it first came out! One of the most empowering songs on self-love. Yes, Miley deserved a Grammy for it!

Read ‘Conversations on love’ by Natasha Lunn!

Heartbreak. Loss. Grief and Love. A book that has it all covered on modern love and it will make you understand why things with that ex-lover didn’t work out. One can consider this best seller as an alternative relationship therapist and we all need one.

Celebrate with your girlfriends

Book your favourite restaurant and invite your girlfriends. Have a GalValentine and eat multiple pasta dishes (because it’s delicious and will make you feel good). Have your favourite desert, or get your favourite ice cream (I recommend salted caramel flavour, so yum!)

Wear D&D!

This effortlessly, cool, romantic, yet chic PJ from Desmond And Dempsey ‘D&D’ is my ultimate favourite . Get yours with 15% discount by Using this code ‘Jamila Fakiri’. Check out the link below for more inspiration.


Write A love letter To… Yourself 💌

You are the most important love of your life, and you will never have another you than the you you have now. Write a letter to yourself here or on a nice piece of paper. Spray it with your favourite perfume for added fanciness, and write down something along the lines of...

Dear [insert your name here],

I am writing to you to let you know that I love you very much and I appreciate all that you do to build us the life we’ve always dreamt about. I am grateful for your company; you are my best friend and I cherish our time together.

Now, keep going. List all the qualities you like in yourself, your strengths, and your skills. Praise your successes, cheer yourself on, and write about how much you believe in yourself and in making your dreams come true. Then, close the letter, take a deep breath, and invite beautiful feelings to emerge.

Letter co-written with Kinga L. 

Journal on your Day of Romance!

Journal on your feelings, the things that you feel grateful for, and the things that makes you happy. Write your story, the people that you have met and light up a spark on you, the lessons learnt, your dreams and inspirations, the things you want to keep in your life, the type of relationships you want with others to be…. Finally, say no to the things that do not serve you anymore.

Find more prompts and journaling idea on the link attached.

Finally, remember that it’s not what we get out of life, but what we put into it. Keep showing up and sharing your heart with the world.

Happy love day, xx Jami ❤️

Mind, AdventureJamila Fakiri