Sisterhood and Wellness Picks 🧘🏽‍♀️

Sisterhood and wellness favourites

We women are born fighters, worriers, change makers, challengers, we fought for gender equality, human rights, and justice all along history. The list is limitless and our resistance for equity is never ending. At this time of history, we can look back and be proud of how far we have come. Proud for advocating for a better world, a world free stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that is diverse, fair, and inclusive for all human beings.

While we celebrate this month all the achievements of the women's rights movement, today we are advocating for something new, the right to embrace fully our femineity. Femineity is beauty, kindness, love, compassion, joy, trusting in our intuition and much more. Feminine energy needs to be nurtured in self-love and slow times. Taking time to fill in our cups, celebrate our sisterhood is power.

Celebrating sisterhood is also celebrating women that inspire us. In honour of International Women's Day, here are a list of strong women that will motivate you to be the best version of the woman you are born to be.


Found by Kate Carnegrie, a lovely Australian entrepreneur who rocks the wellness world with here incredible talent and beautiful mats. Her mats have everything we love, beautifully designed, environmentally friendly, and are so soft for our delicate skin. Read more about Kate and MaatWorld on this blog.


 Isabelle Moon.

Meghan is a famous yoga guru, loved by so many! I have been lucky to do with her my yoga teacher training in Bali. I love her yoga clothing line called ‘Isabelle Moon’. Isabelle Moon is designed with nature in mind, beautiful, feminine, and also SEXY. 

HOY Hotel Paris.

HOY stands for House of Yoga, and it’s also the Spanish word for ‘TODAY’, which is driven from the mindfulness philosophy of living in the present moment. HOY is created by the French Mexican Charlotte Gomez de Orozco who seems passionate about Yoga and Mindfulness.

HOY has everything you need to unwind, relax and enjoy a lovely time with your girlfriends, you can find there a stunning yoga studio, a wellness centre that focuses on realm of meditation, energy work, and spiritual healing, a delicious vegan restaurant, a Parisian chic style rooms with wooden floor, neutral and calming tones. The cheery on the top is their Japanese floria, located at the entrance of the hotel. I recommend getting the ‘happiness bouquet’ after your yoga class. HOY is known as a Yoga hotel but one call it ‘Happiness Hotel’ too!

ALO Moves wellness playlist curated for women in mind.

ALO has one of the best at home workouts including different yoga styles given by the most renowned trainers in the world. Extra love for their curated wellness playlist created in honour for IWD and for women in mind. Check out ‘Women that Move US’ and ‘SYNCD’. 

Book that Yoga class; Book that long waited massage; Retreat in nature; Enjoy a good meal with your girlfriends; Unwind. Enjoy life!

Happy International Women's Day, xx Jami 💕

Body, MindJamila Fakiri