A New Departure. How to design your grandiose year!


A new departure

Set sails towards brighter horizons, and design your grandiose year!

Transform your life for the better is never easy but remember that raising the bar for yourself is a gift that your older self will thank you later. I know some of you told me, Jami, I just want to take it easy this year, I do not need more pressure…I hear you, and I feel you, but some good pressure isn’t necessarily bad. Working towards a BIG dream or a BIG goal isn’t pressure, it’s your reason for getting out of bed every morning, it’s your life purpose, your ‘Raison d’être’.

On my part, I feel EXTRA motivated this year. Over the past few years, I overcame big challenges that shaped the person I became today. During those difficult times, I’ve also been on a transformative journey, and I feel ready to set sails towards brighter horizons.  I know that 2024 will bring its own ups and downs but I am sure we can figure out things as we go. Let’s do that together, lift each other up, because there isn’t anything less powerful than the power of the community.

If you need guidance, here are 10 steps to follow to help you achieve what you want.

1.     Set the Intention

INTENTION is EVERYTHING! It shapes your behaviour and the outcome of your actions. Setting the intention will give you the motivation, the clarity, and direction you need to work from.

Questions to Ask Yourself: Where do I see myself at the end of 2024? Is there a career promotion I want to work towards? Maybe you want to write a book; Or maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more... Whatever it is that you want, listen to your heart, and go for it! And remember, setting the right intention, will allow you to charter a correct course on your happiness map.

Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction.
— Rumi

2.     Create your vision and plan for your glorious year.

I love this quote from Benjamin franklin. ‘If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail’. It’s true! Although a part of what happens to us t is outside our control, there is still another part that we can shape to our liking.

Be clear about what you want to achieve this year. Visualise what your dream year will look like and create an action plan for it. Simplify to amplify - choose only three main goals but commit to them fully. This will help you maximise your chances to succeed.

3.     Foster your daily habits.

You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret to our success is found in your daily routine’. John C. Maxwell

World renowned author on self-development, James Clear, won’t disagree with the above statement. In his adored book ‘Atomic Habits’ James states that creating good habits are key to making good changes in your life. To do so, you can track your daily habits to gain awareness about what you need to keep and what you need to get rid of. Create healthy routines and say goodbye to bad ones such as scrolling your phone nonstop, be connected on social media 24/7….

4.     Be committed and dedicated.

Now that you have put the hard work on creating a vision for the New Year and put in place an action plan, you are setting yourself for success. Dedication and consistency are necessary to make those envisioned plans a reality. Showing up every day, including on bad days, is worth more than a burst of intense work. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay consistent and see how things will be enfolding on your favour.

5.     Stay focused on what matters.

You can achieve anything you set your mind into if you keep your focus on what matters. Say goodbye to distractions, focus your time working on your goals and dreams and you will sure be more advanced.

6. Keep a healthy routine.

Your dreams need your strength, taking care of your mental and physical health is crucial. Every day, ideally in the morning, move your body, meditate, journal, and nourish your body with good healthy food.

7.     Celebrate small wins.

Write down on daily basis on your journal or favourite notebook your wins, it can be something that went well that same day.  

8.     Check on your progress regularly.

Evaluate your progress on a regular basis, you can take a moment during the year and ask yourself how far you are close to achieving your goals, do you need to make any amendments, set yourself accountable with a clear timeline. Add the refreshed action list in your agenda to keep them real. These regular checks will help you to keep your focus on the important things, but also you will feel motivated as you will see the milestones you are achieving on a regular basis.

9.     Trust process and enjoy the journey.

Trust that as long as you are putting in the work, and you are being consistent, everything that you are working toward will come to you at the right time. But also, enjoy the process, it’s also about the journey not the destination.

10. Surround yourself with people that brings the best on you.

Choose wisely people you surround yourself with, let go of anyone who doesn’t have good intentions. Seek guidance from your community. Even better – invite them to do this exercise together. It’s more fun when you have people you love cheering up for you!

I hope you feel empowered with these words. I hope by end of 2024 you’ll wake up asking yourself, “Remember when you wanted what you currently have?”.

May the winds blow always in your favor,

Safe travels, 💙


MindJamila Fakiri