A love note to the festive season ✨🎄


A Love note to the festive season

the slow, dreamy, and certainly one of the happiest moments of the year

It’s approaching that magical time of the year…the slow, dreamy state that is the seven perfect days between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. The Time is suspended, we feel cosy sitting next to the open fire, decorating the Christmas tree with all sorts of old and new decorations we found in our favourite charity shop. We spend extra time wrapping with care the gifts we got for our special ones and putting them under the tree, awaiting gracefully for Christmas eve to open those presents.

It's the time where we let ourselves relax, wearing our flashy pyjamas and thick socks, baking all sorts of ginger cookies using old family recipes, cooking gravy for the roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, and a variety of cheese for dessert.

After a flurry of festivities, a moment of stillness. The time we give ourselves permission to do whatever we want. Stretch out into the wide-open days. Pop our feet up on the Sofa. Take a break. Have as many naps as possible. The fridge is full of our favourite food. Many yummy leftovers awaits: cake for breakfast, potatoes for brunch, and cheese for dinner. Each day seeps blissfully into the next. A week where we watch and re-watch all our favourite shows on Netflix.

We flirt with the general concepts of New Year’s Resolution, but from the convenient vantage of it being too early to have to, implement them. Instead: there are new Books to read. Slow laps around the block to embark on. It’s a time we spend only with those we are closest to.

Here are ideas on how to spread bliss during the festive season

  1. Be thankful by sending a note, a text, or a letter of gratitude to people around you to thank them for being part of your life

  2. Bake homemade cookies with family and share some as well with your neighbours

  3. Be fully present, reconnect with old friends and family members, deepen existing connections, and give your unconditional attention to your people.

  4. Get a warm hot chocolate at the Christmas market and enjoy and Christmas lights all around the city.

  5. Smile and cheer people around you up reminding them how much they’re loved.

  6. Make your own presents, create something thoughtful and handmade

  7. Declutter old books, clothes, and things that you do not use anymore. Donate them to your favourite charity shop.

  8. Re-use and recycle Christmas decorations, sustainable gifting boxes or make your own gifting boxes.

  9. Journal on those special moments and record those memories in your favourite notebook or journal.

  10. Take as many pictures, videos, and recorded memories to look back at one day and it will make your heart smile.

  11. Create your Christmas playlist on Spotify and dance around the house spreading joyful vibes.

Here is a list of things I have fallen in love with recently that might inspire a little something.

  • For women who loves a family gatherings, red flowers, and wear a lipstick the colour of wine. YSL Rouge Pur Couture 💄

  • For people with big dreams floating inside their minds, use mapyourhappiness journal to flirt with new year’s resolutions, find a moment of gratitude on those special times spent with loved ones, and write down in your journal all those  beautiful memories.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do ❤️

MindJamila Fakiri