Map Your Happiness Journal

Map Your Happiness Journal


★Step-by-step guidance for crafting a customized navigation system for renewing your sense of direction and finding your True North.

★ Scientific research on the benefits of journaling, goal-setting, and more.

★ Prompts to stimulate strategic thinking, creativity, and beyond.

★Guided meditation and yoga exercises to anchor you in the present moment, reconnect you with what matters to you, and help you let go of anything that’s holding you back.

★ Self-love rituals to nurture your mind, body, and soul so you can ride the waves with confidence.

★A 90-day guided journaling program focused on gratitude, introspection, and progress tracking.

★ Space for gathering your takeaways and celebrating your achievements. 

★ Inspirational quotes and words of wisdom to keep you motivated and empowered.

Digital Product — Not eligible for refunds

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how to use the journal

  • → Upon waking up in the morning, jot down what/who you're thankful for. This practice will help reframe your perspective to see the glass as half full and kickstart your day on a good note.

    → Following that, embrace a mantra that deeply resonates with you to ensure the winds in your sails continue to blow in the right direction.

    → Then, outline three daily tasks, making sure that at least one of them is aligned with your long-term vision.

    → Next, create some space for self-love in your day and note down a self-care ritual that will help you destress and decompress.

  • → Take a few minutes to reflect on your day focusing on what went well, what (or who) brought your joy, and anything that feels like your personal triumph.

    → Then, before falling asleep, feel free to engage in some stream-of consciousness writing.

  • More space for self-reflection. Please remember this is your space and your time. Feel free to dip your toe and test the waters first. And should you decide you want to shuffle some of the prompts around, swap a mantra for a self-love note, or draw your to-dos for the day, do that. Whatever takes you to your preferred shore is a good strategy.


I hope the inspiration and actionable steps in this journal will help you build the life you’ve always wanted to live. Venture into adventure with me, you’ve got nothing to lose and your happiness to gain. Are you ready?

Safe travels !